Partial Arts Resume
Note: In my early days as an artist I kept meticulous notes as to when and where I did every performance. In 1987 I went to work for the Tucson Citizen newspaper, and things dramatically changed. I was forbidden from composing or performing in Tucson due to conflict of interest concerns. Also my work schedule on average was 80 hours or more per week. Yet still I worked in my studio on music projects, video and more. When the Citizen was closed by Gannett in 2009 I resumed my work as an artist. In the months ahead I will attempt to fill in some of the gaps and keep things more current.
Shoot Mariachi Sonido de Mexico MY event, Julie Gallego Living Rosary meeting, (Mariachi Miracle)
Shoot sunset reflection series, Tohono O’odham water tower removal, South Tucson 75th birthday celebration, (Photography)
The Little Dinks perform, Club Congress; Fire and pool scenes [Poem From Memory w. Laura Milkins] (Performance art)
Shoot Silhouettes at El Casino (video other)
Tucson Edge profile published (press)
Interview Celestino Fernandez, Jose Luis Baca, Patsy Klein, (Mariachi Miracle)
Shoot storm sequence in Patagonia, landscape series in Sonoita, desert landscapes in Oracle, Az., fire in Catalina Mountains, ancient saugaro cacti near Florence, Az., Downtown Tucson at night (Photography)
Create video for UA Poetry Center on educational outreach programs.
Create Spanish versions of Arizona State Museum archaeology videos.
Shoot Mariachi Aztlan at la Paloma, Julie Gallego folklorico event, Mariachi Sonido de Mexico at Rigos, Pueblo mariachi summer camp. Create Ballet Folklorico Tapatio Nuevo Leon video
Interview Anne Felix, Fernie Sanchez, Anthony Sanchez (The Mariachi Miracle)
Shoot time lapse of Pusch Ridge. Shoot downtown neighborhood night images. Create panoramic desert images
Brainstorming for Intersections photo series. Meeting w. Laura Milkins re. photo and film projects. (photography)
Shoot Ballet Folklorico Tapatio and Mariachi Sonido de Mexico rehearsal; Tape Elva Flores interview; Intense fundraising efforts; Shoot Gran Festival Folklor y Mariachi; Shoot Mariachi Vargas; Meeting with Aztlan parents; Shoot Davis Elementary summer mariachi camp; Shoot Dia de San Juan ceremony; Shoot Davis Elementary summer graduation event; Hold fundraiser at El Casino Ballroom; (Mariachi Miracle)
Teach video production at University of Arizona journalism camp; Work on/record Spanish translation for University of Arizona State Museum Archaeology Project; (Daniel Buckley Productions)
Night photography, San Augustine Cathedral; (Photography)
Record construction elements; (Music)
Edit Tucson International Mariachi Conference Participant Showcase Videos; Shoot Hollinger Elementary Cinco de Mayo celebration; Shoot Desert View High Rehearsal with Sal Gallegos; Shoot Mariachi Aztlan final show; Shoot Tucson High Rayos del Sol; Shoot Aztlan Mother’s Day serenade; Create TIMC Mariachi Espectacular video; Shoot University of Arizona Hispanic Honors graduation ceremony; Edit UT Pan Am performance; Shoot Pueblo High Graduation; Meeting with Wilfred Arvizu, David Valdez; Shoot Ashley Alvarez graduation party; (Mariachi Miracle)
Finish, submit University of Arizona Poetry Center Student teacher video; Shoot Singer/songwriter Bob Einweck; Shoot Tucson Street Car; (Daniel Buckley Productions)
Experiment with Vienna Instruments Piano Harmonics, Kontakt Mark One and Mallet Piano and Plucked Piano sample libraries; “Nagging Doubts,” “The Other Night;” “Nebula,” Experiments with u-he Hive; (Music)
Create grayscale experiments; (Photography)
• Shoot Tucson International Mariachi Conference Student Advisory Board; TIMC Instructors; TIMC registration, mariachi workshops; folklorico workshops; Participant Showcase, Mariachi Espectacular; Plaza garibaldi; Jam session; Create first booth to promote The Mariachi Miracle; Interview Tiffany Alvarez; Create video of Richard Carranza visiting President Obama; Receive donation from Pascua Yaqui tribve for The Mariachi Miracle; Shoot Tucson High rehearsal; Film Victoria sanchez on campus and at work; (Mariachi Miracle)
• Shoot Safflord and Davis Poetry sessions for Poetry Center video; Deliver Jeffry Jahn remembrance video to Arizona Repertory Singers; Create video document of Marion Lupu 90th birthday party; (Daniel Buckley Productions)
• Photograph in Sedona, Oak Creek; Tumamoc Hill and A Mountain; (Photography)
• Experiment with Strum, water harp, Volcano, clarinet, Scarbee Bass, Lunge Lizard (Music)
• Interview Linda Ronstadt, Follow Up with Becky Monmtano, Trip to San Francisco with Mariachi Aztlan de Pueblo High; Create video of Linda Ronstadt talking about the Tucson International Mariachi Conference;Shoot Mariachi Aztlan Tardeada; (The Mariachi Miracle)
• Shoot Poetry Center video at Davis Elementary, Second Street School; Create video for artist Kimi Eisele, Begin work on Colombian translation for Arizona State Museum achaeology project; Photograph The Remainders for Strings Magazine; Finish and deliver Nati Cano clips to Tucson International Mariachi Conference; Begin Jeffry Jahn tribute video for Arizona Repertory Singers; (Daniel Buckley Productions)
• Photograph Scottsdale and Picacho Peak; Photograph Church at Sunset; Enter Bewilderness Series I in Arizona Biennial; (Photography)
• Experiments, studies with Chromophone, Podolski, Absynth, Strum, Ultra Analog; Continue Prevailing Westerlies series; Experiments with creaking door sound element; Studies for clarinet, (Music)
• Sort through Tucson International Mariachi Conference photo archives; attend board meeting, design systems improvements; input, catalog historical footage; Work on Nati Cano, Workshop and Armando videos for Tucson International Mariachi Conference, Shoot Mariachi Milagro fundraiser, (Mariachi Miracle)
• Create video for Stetson Hills School District Arizona Quilt project, Begin student teacher video project for the University of Arizona Poetry Center (Daniel Buckley Productions)
• Shoot at Tucson Mountain Park, Sonoita, Patagonia, Patagonia Lake, Tubac, Singer Bob Einweck recording session, Ironwood Ridge School jazz event, desert textures, Generate new branch of Bewilderness photo series featuring composite images, begin Looking Up series, Auryn String Quartet (for Strings Magazine); Develop Gray Scale image series (Photography)
• Experiments in sonic processing with Filterscape, Massive, Analog Lab, Fab Filter, Pattern Gate, Saturn and Timeless (Music)
• Blog on Interdisciplinary Crosstalk and the Creative Process (Daniel Buckley Arts)
• Meetings with Visit Tucson, revision of fundraising materials and video, Create Mariachi Miracle One Stop page, Blog essay on Ronstadt’s importance to the mariachi world, Participate in ArtTank competition, Bisbee, Az., Shoot Armando Gonzalez funeral, Film in schools, (Mariachi Miracle)
• Final web publication of Arizona State Museum Iraq and Afghanastan archaeology project; Finish Anza history and cultural speakers series w. Al Dart, Jim Turner, Rita Magdaleno and Greg McNamee (Daniel Buckley Productions)
• Shoot sundown and post at San Xavier Mission; Bisbee, Az.; downtown in fog; (Photography)
• Keyboard experiments in timbre and harmonic progression (music)
• Attend Art Leaders and Cultural Innovators meeting. (Daniel Buckley Arts)
• Interview Monsignor Arsenio Carrillo re. The Mariachi Miracle
• Enlist the University of Arizona Center for Latin American Studies as partner in April 2016 National Mariachi Education Summit
• Photograph storm aftermath in Catalina Mountains
• Film Davis Elementary mariachi Posada
• Finish Arabic and Kurdish translations for Arizona State Museum Iraq video series
• Photograph El Casino Ballroom Christmas party
• Enlist Tucson Mayor Jonathan Rothschild in April 2016 National Mariachi Education Summit
• Shoot Mariachi Aztlan at Barrio Anita Christmas Party
• Photograph windmills in Sonoita, Arizona
• Write Art Tank script for Mariachi Miracle forum pitch
• Create Sergio Mendoza y la Orkesta video
• Meet with Tucson International Mariachi Confernece board re. April 2016 special event
• Coordinate with WHite House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics re. April 2016 National Mariachi Education Summit
• Shoot ballet Folklorico Tapatio show
• Awarded Southwestern Foundation grant for The Mariachi Miracle film and book project
• Record Arabic translations for Arizona State Museum Iraq video project
• Photograph San Xavier Mission
• Interview Congressman Ron Barber for January 8 Foundation Oral History project
• Create video of author Rita Magdaleno for Anza Trail project
• Video and photograph Linda Ronstadt visiting Sanctuary resident Rosa Robles Loreto
• Moderate anel on immigration and the Arts in Tucson and Phoenix for Arizona Opera Company
• Shoot Dan Guerrero’s Gaytino show
• Videotape Viva la Vida 2014
• Organize two day national mariachi education forum for 2016
• Organize Arizona Historical Society exhibit of mariachi and folklorico history for April, 2016
• Shoot youth mariachis at TCC Music Hall
• Review Arizona Opera’s Cruzar la Cara de la Luna
• Photograph Mariachi Aztlan rehearsal for String Magazine
• Video Jim Tucker for January 8 foundation
• Shoot Davis Elementary mariachi event
• Shoot Anza Trail lectures at Canoa Ranch
• Meet with TUSD Arts director Joan Ashcraft re. The Mariachi Miracle
• First GoPro video experiments
• Create videos for historians Greg McNamee, Al Dart and Jim Turner for the Anza Trail project.
• Create panoramic photo consolidation project
• Create draft for Arizona State Museum Iraq archaeologoy video project
• Shoot youth mariachis and folklorico dancers at Arizona Cardinals game in Phoenix
• Interview Jim and Doris Tucker, Daniel Hernandez, CJ Karamargin and Suzi Hileman for January 8 Foundation’s oral history series
• Photograph lightning in midtown Tucson
• Photograph equinox at Hohokam petroglyph site
• Interview George Bejarano re. Mariachi Miracle
• Photograph Cardboard Ball
• Incorporate still image animation with experimental video
• Photograph Tucson Flamenco Festival
• Photograph train wreck north of Picacho Peak, roller derby player Rowena Davis
• HoCo Fest benefit for The Mariachi Miracle
• Attend White House Initiative conference on Hispanic Arts Education, Pixar Studios, Emeryville, Ca.
• Shoot still photography of Mariachi Los Changuitos Feos artifacts from the Emma Carrillo collection
• Shoot panel discussions, gatherings and concerts re. Mariachi Los Changuitos Feos 50th anniversary
• Create video on career accomplishments of early members of Mariachi Los Changuitos Feos for the group’s 50th anniversary celebration
• Shoot first of four video segments on the Juan Bautista de Anza Historic Trail
• Work on video project for archaeologists in Iraq and Afghanistan for Arizona State Museum
• Provide photos to Arizona Historical Society Flagstaff branch re. 150th AHS birthday artifacts
• Shoot midtown Tucson monsoon sunset panoramic photos and time lapse video
• Interviewed by Tucson Weekly re. Mariachi Los Changuitos Feos 50th anniversary
• Shoot time lapse and panoramic phots near Kitt Peak and Sells, Arizona
• Interview Dora and Alejandro Martinez re. Mariachi Los Changuitos Feos
• Shoot storm panoramas and time lapse from A Mountain
• Interviewed for Arizona Public Media television re. Mariachi Los hanguitos Feos 50th anniversary, The Mariachi Miracle documentary
• Shoot time lapse and panoramic photos at Gates Pass
• Start oral history project with people visiting Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords on the day of the shooting for the January 8 Foundation
• Interview female Mariachi Los Changuitos Feos pioneer Dolores Noperi
• Interview former early members of Mariachi Los Changuitos Feos Robert Gastellum, Frank Felix and Jerry Gay
• Work still imagery from Valles Caldera, NM
• Shoot Los Changuitos Feos opening Pima County Board of Supervisers meeting
• Record Arizona Public Media radio interview on Mariachi Los Changuitos Feos and the Mariachi Miracle documentary
• Shoot storm panoramas, details, Patagonia, Arizona
• Interview members of Mariachi Los Changuitso Feos for The Mariachi Miracle documentary
• Begin work on January 8 Foundation oral histories with those visiting Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords on the day she was shot
• Work with the Arizona State Museum to create videos for archaeologists in Iraq, Afghanistan and Rwanda
• Panoramic photos, Valencia and Mission, Tucson
• Musical experiments in asymmetrical rhythms
• “En El Desierto” – video by Daniel Buckley, music by Cara Clay – premieres, Valencia, Spain
• Review of panoramic photos
• Start oral history with scientists of the Apollo moon landings
• Wrap up additions to Arizona Historical Society 150th anniversary important artifacts photo shoot
• Shoot at Albuquerque Mariachi Festival for The Mariachi Miracle documentary
• Shoot panoramas at Valles Caldera, Datil NM, Los Alamos, NM, the Vert Large Array, Showlow Az, Snowflake AZ, Globe Az, etc.
• Shoot monsoon panoramas, Saguaro National Monument East
• Shoot monsoon time lapse
• Shoot Ballet Folklorico Tapatio’s folklorico festival, AVA Amphitheater
• Shoot Sergio Mendoza y la Orkesta, Rialto Theatre, Tucson
• Lecture Los Descendientes del Pueblo de Tucson, Arizona re. The Mariachi Miracle
• Panoramic still image series: Tumacacori Mission, near Tubac, Arizona
• Shoot Arizona Historical Society Tempe branch artifacts
• Model for Portland photographer Octavia Hunter‘s “Letting Go” series/book
• Teach basic video techniques, University of Arizona Media Arts/Journalism summer workshop
• Time Lapse video, Panoramic still images, Picacho Peak, Arizona
• Shoot artifacts, Arizona Historical Society, Tucson
• Panoramic photos, time lapse video, Gates Pass, Tucson, Arizona
• Paroramic still images, Verde Valley, Flagstaff Vicinity, Meteor Crater
• Shoot Arizona Historical Society artifacts in Flagstaff
• Shoot Pueblo High School graduation, graduation party for The Mariachi Miracle
• Shoot artifacts for 150th anniversary, Arizona Historical Society, Tucson
• Shoot Adalberto Gallegos CD release party, La Fuente, Tucson
• Shoot Tucson High Mariachi Ariztlan rehearsal for The Mariachi Miracle
• Shoot Mariachi Aztlan final school year performance for The Mariachi Miracle
• Shoot Pueblo High School Mariachi Aztlan rehearsal for graduation for Mariachi Miracle
• Shoot Noche De Las Estrellas, Casino Del Sol, for Mariachi Miracle
• Guest Panelist, Arizona Illustrated, “Why Does Art Matter in Tucson,” KUAT TV (PBS)
• Sketch new work: 5 Irrefutable Truths
• Create Daniel Buckley 1-minute bio video
• Begin multimedia collaboration with composer Cara Clay
• Shoot Tucson Tortilla Festival
• Shoot 2014 Tucson International Mariachi Conference for The Mariachi Miracle
• Premiere, “Voices at an Exhibition,” Multimedia collaboration with Arizona Repertory Singers
• Shoot 2014 Tucson Youth Poetry Slam, University of Arizona Student Union

Los Lobos members Cesar Rosas and Conrad Lozano, back, perform with Bulldog Mariachi and Folklorico from Tucson’s White Elementary School.
• Shoot Los Lobos with White Elementary School Bulldog Mariachi y Folklorico, Rialto Theatre, Tucson
• Shoot Junot Diaz lecture, Fox Theatre, Tucson
• Interview Delfina Alvarez re, Mariachi Miracle
• Panoramic photos, Catalina Mountains up close
• Shoot pre-dawn panorama of city of Tucson
• Shoot stills, video Easter Sunday sunrise service, A Mountain, Tucson
• Shoot video, stills Good Friday cross procession, A Mountain, Tucson
• Premiere Ronstadt Family History video, Pima Council on Aging fundraiser
• Create animations, video for multimedia piece with Arizona Repertory Singers
• Write guest opinion piece, Arizona Daily Star re. need for arts funding
• Speak to City Council against cuts to Tucson Pima Arts Council
• Shoot Mariachi Sonido de Mexico show for Mariachi Miracle
• Time lapse, panoramic stills, Gates Pass, Tucson
• Shoot Ballet Folklorico Tapatio workshop with visiting choreographer for Mariachi Miracle
• Start discussions on writing chapter for Steven Meckler book on Tucson musicians
• Preliminary shoot, Arizona Historical Society Tucson branch
• Interview Suzy and Pete Ronstadt re. Ronstadt family history
• Film Los Changuitos Feos fundraiser for Mariachi Miracle
• Interview Karl Ronstadt re. Ronstadt family history
• Interview Jim Ronstadt re. Ronstat family history
• Named Artist of the Year, 2014 Arizona Governor’s Arts Awards
• Recon Tempe Arizona Historical Society artifacts for photography project
• Interview Bill Ronstadt re. Ronstadt family history
• Shoot Mariachi Aztlan benefit for Mariachi Miracle
• Interview Dr. Bernard “Bunny” Fontana re. Ronstadt family history
• Interview Cathy Poore re. Ronstadt family history
• Shoot Ballet Folklorico Tapatio show for Mariachi Miracle
• Panoramic Photos, Tubac, Arizona
• Time lapse video, panoramic stills, Wasson Peak, Tuson mountains
• Sketch idea for Apollo 18 project, blog
• Interview Tucson Unified School District Arts Coordinator Joan Ashcraft re. Mariachi Miracle
• Blog re. Apollo and panoramic photos
• Coordinate with Arizona Historical Society staff around state for 150 artifacts shoot
• Panoramic stills, time lapse video: Saguaro National Monument East
• Nominated for 2014 Governor’s Arts Award
• Shoot Viva Arizona for The Mariachi Miracle
• Panoramic still images: Tubac, Arizona
• Consolidation of art project data storage
• Shoot live video of singer/songwriter Bob Einweck
• Panoramic stills, time lapse video: Downtown Tucson near Saint Augustine Cathedral
• Panoramic stills, time lapse video, Saguaro National Park East
* Interview Davis Elementary mariachi director Alfred Valenzuela for The Mariachi Miracle
• Timelapse video and panoramic still series shoot, South Tucson near San Xavier Mission
• Begin talks with January 8 Foundation re. Oral Histories with those visiting Gabby Giffords the day of the shooting
• Begin work on Ronstadt Family History video
• Time Lapse series: Catalina State Park
* Panoramic Series: Catalina State Park
* Panoramic photo seres: Catalina Mountains close up
* Music: “So Much Sky”
* Lecture South Tucson Lions re. The Mariachi Miracle
• Panoramic photo series: Catalinas from Oracle Road
• Develop concept for monologie series
• Buckley photo “Signals” appears as part of group show, La Fashionista, Tucson
• Shoot Overcomer video, January 8 commemorations
1. Speech to Los Descendientes del Presidio de Tucson on Cine Plaza documentary series
2. Nominated for 2013 Arizona Governor’s Arts Award in Artist category
3. Debut of Buckley’s documentary “Gateway to the Southwest” on the history of Yuma, Arizona for the Arizona Historical Society, Sanguinetti House Museum, Yuma, Arizona
4. Conclusion of 13-month centennial video project for The Arizona Experience – the state’s centennial website.
5. Buckley’s 2012 documentary “Tucson’s Heart and Soul: El Casino Ballroom” featured in the 2013 Arizona International Film Festival
6. Delivers Show & Tell lecture on the documentary “Tucson’s Heart and Soul: El Casino Ballroom” at The Playground Bar and Lounge as part of the University of Arizona’s Confluence Center for Creative Inquiry
7. Production underway for The Rise of the Mariachi Movement in Tucson documentary
8. Buckley’s alternative rock piece “Dummy in the Corner” broadcast on the international radio show Lopsided World of Jonathan L
9. Assisted in creation of a multimedia presentation for photographer Alejandra Platt Torres‘ “A World Separated by Borders” exhibit at the Arizona State Museum.
10. “Tucson’s Heart and Soul: El Casino Ballroom” chosen for Arizona International Film Festival 2013, The Screening Room, Tucson
11. Buckley delivers “Documentaries and community service” address, Tedxtucson salon series, University of Arizona Bookstore
12. Shot Ballet Folklorico Tapatio spring recital
13. Show and Tell lecture, “Tucson’s Heart and Soul: El Casino Ballroom,” the Playground
14. Interviewed by Arizona Centennial Peoject
15. Create video on the Lohse Family for Pima Council on Aging’s Generations of Commitment awards gala
16. Photograph landscapes in Sonoita, Arizona
17. Numerous musical studies for strings, cloud chamber bowls, and synthesizers
18. Create video portrait of painter Elizabeth Criger
19. Photographic landscape studies, West Tucson
20. Photographic studies of abandoned Papago trading post west of Casa Grande
21. “Tucson’s Heart and Soul: El Casino Ballroom” appears in Mountain Empire Film Festival 2013, Patagonia, Arizona
22. Help organize Fiesta El Casino 2013
23. Photographic landscape studies west of Tucson Mountains
24. Photographic landscape studies, McCain Loop Road
25. Create Hank Oyama video for Tucson International Mariachi Conference
26. Shoot, create DVDs for Ballet Folklorico Los Tucsonenses de Tucson High 40th anniversary celebration
27.Shoot Tucson Poetry Slam 2013
28. Photographic landscape studies, self portrait (The Two Seasons) Saguaro National Park West
29. Shoot Tucson International Mariachi Conference workshops and events for film

Tucson International Mariachi Conference president Alfonso Dancil inducts Daniel Buckley into the Mariachi Hall of Fame at the 2013 Espectacular Concert.
30. Inducted into the Mariachi Hall of Fame by the Tucson International Mariachi Conference
30. Photographic landscape studies in Patagonia, Arizona
31. Create mariachi conference participant showcase video
32. Photograph on McCain Loop Road
33. Shoot Latino Music Festival, Tucson Museum of Art
34. Successfully complete Kickstarter campaign for Mariachis Transform Tucson film
35. Second photographic session on McCain Loop Road
36. Shoot Pueblo High graduation rehearsal, interview mariachi students
37. Super Moon music composition series (five movements)
38. Jonestown Totentanz musical studies (Throw Down,Club It)
39. “In the Wind” for Oboe and Clarinet
40. “Runes” for assorted synthesizers, prepared piano, sampled metallics and altered water phone
41. “Clouds” for clarinet and video
42. Shoot Julie Gallego’s Wizard of Oz folklorico show
43. Record audio, video of trains at night
44. Lecture on mariachi film at Pima County Library main branch in downtown Tucson
45. Create five-minute mariachi film teaser on Pueblo High
46. Jonestown piece: Down Goes the Plane (unpublished study)
47. Create New Music Now Facebook site for contemporary classical music
48. KUAT interview re. Mariachis Transform Tucson
49. Show “Tucson’s Heart and Soul: El Casino Ballroom” and “Mariachis Transform Tucson” excerpts at Cowboys and Vaqueros event, El casino ballroom
50. Outline Planet Arizona photo project
51. Create DVD of Laura Milkins’ “Walking Home” project
52. Photo/video shoot: Gates Pass
53. Shoot Mariachi Luz de Luna
54. Updated August 1, 2013
55. Shoot Ballet Folklorico La Paloma
56. Process squeaky door sounds for audio piece
57. Develop advisory panel for “The Mariachi Miracle” documentary
58. Still photography of sunflowers
59. Incorporate Daniel Buckley Productions LLC
60. Audio experiments with Izotope Stutter Edit
61. Audio works: Reckless Abandon, Horribly Awry (part of Out of Control suite)
62. Jonestown audio sketches: The Other Ocean and Three Ring Circus
63. Experiments in audio effects, synth bass lines.
64. Codify audio sample techniques
65. Musical collage development
66. Shoot lightning in desert, time lapse video
67. The Mariachi Miracle film project interview segment airs on PBS affiliate KUAT TV
68. Interview Ralph Gonzalez for The Mariachi Miracle
69. Photograph Skip Heller, Al Perry and Hank Topless, Logan Phillips
70. Five Pieces: video show for Glow Festival, 2013, Oracle, Arizona featuring “The Train That Brought My Baby Back Fro Hell.”
71. Train audio production
72. InterviewDavid Gastellum, founder of A Mountain Good Friday crucifix event
73. Time lapse photography, panorama still at A Mountain
74. Article: “Why Linda Ronstadt STill Matters to Tucson,” Tucson Weekly
75. Water audio experiments
76. Audio: Pentatonic studies, 2013
77. “The Mariachi Miracle” lecture/presentation, Tech Museum of Innovation, San Jose, Ca. VivaFest! Mariachi Festival
78. Shoot Tucson Flamenco Festival (video and still photography)
79. Interview Becky Montano re. mariachi film
80. Still photography in Sonoita, Arizona
81. Jonestown electronic experiments
82. Member Tucson Pima Arts Council operations support panel
83. Meetings with TUSD re. filming Mariachi Miracle
84. Cardboard Ball still photography, video project
85. Invited to become part of the Mexican Heritage Corporation advisory board, San Jose, Ca. Vivafest Mariachi Festival
86. TAART Walk video performance, downtown Tucson
87. Participant in Creative Capital community building workshop
88. Start downtown history project, Arizona Historical Society
89. Audio work: “Rowing To the Light.”
90. Audio work” “Totally UnAmerican”
91. Lecture, Tucson Transportation Museum, re. downtown Tucson history
92. Shoot stills, Logan Philips performance, “Dios de la Adrenalina.”
93. Create promo video, Mariachi Viva la Mujer
94. Interview Joe Mendoza re. Mariachi Los Changuitos Feos
95. Photo from All Souls Procession 2012 printed in Tucson Weekly
96. Begin formulation of “Bewilderness” photographic series
97. Shoot All Souls Procession 2013
98. Create All Souls Procession high speed reel
99. Record, edit “Fallacy” for Terry Filipowicz seminar
100. Video “Earthing” lecture, Understanding the Science of Energy Medicine conference, Pima College West
101. Shoot time lapse, stills at Gates Pass
102. New photographic series begins: “Este Es Mi Ciudad” (inspired by the world of Mexican photographer Lola Alvarez Bravo.
103. Photograph artist David Sayre for Tucson Postcard Project
104. Synthesized pentatonic music studies
105. Orchestral pentatonic music studies
106. Photograph at Tohono O’odham reservation, San Xavier Mission, panoramic series
107. Photograph Tucson in rain clouds from A Mountain
108. Shoot photos of abandoned Papago trading post, I-8 and Maricopa Road, panorama series
109. Shoot photos of downtown Tucson
110. Mariachi Miracle advisory board meetings
111. Shoot Tucson High mariachi winter concert
112. Photograph on Tonohono O’odham reserbation
113. Film Gran Fiesta En La Calle, SOuth Tucson cultural fair
114. Shoot Sunnyside High holiday folklorico program
- Hired as producer for the Arizona state centennial website,
- Work on Cine Plaza at the Fox documentary no. 5 – “Tucson’s Heart and Soul: El Casino Ballroom”
- Video taped Sergio Mendoza new years concert at the Rialto Theatre
- Video tape Sergio Mendoza y la Orkesta at El Casino Ballroom
- “100 Years, 100 Quilts” DVD released
- “100 Years, 100 Quilts” book with Buckley photos released
- Create monthly artist videos for “100 Year, 100 Quilts” exhibit at the Arizona Historical Society
- Nominator for Buffalo Exchange Artist Awards
- Video tape Ronstadt Generations at Chicago Bar
10. “Slow Dance on Saturn’s Rings” musical piece
11. Produced fundraising video, Pima Council on Aging
12. Write Ann Day portrait for collection on 50 historic Arizona women
13. Interview mariachi pioneer Tony Garcia
14. Film Pima Council on Aging’s “Ages and Stages”
15. Create TSO Centennial photos for Symphony Magazine
16. Film Planetary Sciences Institute 40th anniversary celebration
17. Shoot Summerdog Reunion Concert
18. Create Mariachi Memories video for Tucson International Mariachi Conference
19. Shoot Tucson International Mariachi Conference
20. Shoot partial eclipse
21. Begin giant panoramic landscape photography project
22. Continue time lapse photography project
23. Re-master song by de Vie Weinstock
24. Shoot Planetary Science Institute anniversary celebration
25. Photography: Arizona roads perspective project
26. Yuma history video project for Arizona Historical Society
27. Shoot Sergio Mendoza y la Orkesta at Lumie Awards
28. “In Dying Light” music video
29. “Tucson’s Heat and Soul: El Casino Ballroom” documentary premiere, Fox Theatre
30. Shoot location panoramas in Sonoita, San Xavier Mission, Yuma
31. Join El Casino Ballroom Strategic Planning Committee
32. Present Hall of Fame Award to Linda Ronstadt and Federico Ronstadt, 2012 Tammie Awards
33. Shoot Sergio Mendoza y la Orkesta, Depedro, David Garza, Camilo Lara (Mexican Institute of Sound) at 2012 HoCo Fest
34. Create video for Mykl Wells for All Souls Procession workshops
35. Document Arizona Between Nosotros performance art show featuring Logan Phillips, Paco Velez, Heather Gray and Laura Milkins, Pima Community College West Campus
36. Create/edit video and soundtrack for “Poem From Memory” featuring performance artist Laura Milkins
37. First experiments with Five One Numerology
38. Photography, video of All Souls Procession 2012
39. Create Ballet Folklórico Tapaio video
40. Propose Photographer in Residence program for Tucson non-profits
41. Start interview series with visual artist Howard Salmon
42. Site development for panorama series
43. Awarded 201 Tucson Pima Arts Council PLACE Award for documentary on The Rise of the Mariachi Movement in Tucson
44. Premiere documentary “Tucson’s Heart and Soul: El Casino Ballroom” at Fiesta El Casino
45. Interview Richard Carranza for documentary on The Rise of the Mariachi Movement in Tucson
46. Write feature on the Ronstadt family’s place in Tucson’s musical scene from the 19th century to the present, for the Tucson Weekly
47 Over 90 new musical works composed
- Wrote San Jose VivaFest “Mexican Folk Tales”
- Start “Money Talks” video with Curt Brill
- Tape Lumies at El Casino Ballroom
Start El Casino edition of Cine Plaza at the Fox documentary series
- Premiere Barrio Hollywood documentary for Cine Plaza at the Fox
- Create PSAs for Celebrate Tucson (Tucson’s birthday celebration)
- Work on ongoing Ronstadt Family portrait
- Work on Jonestown funding
- Start Circles of Space and Time series (time lapse photography series)
10. Co-produce video production for performance artist Laura Milkins’ “Walking Home Stories”
11. Shoot, edit Phoenix singer/songwriter Annie Moscow’s Herberger Theatre show
12. Film Tucson International Mariachi Conference
13. Shoot Play Ball for AHS, Phoenix
14. Shoot National History Day
15. Shoot Viva la Vida
16. Edit videos for Joanna Frueh
17. Creative Capital workshop – Internet for Artists
18. Dancing in the Streets
19. Received PLACE grant for El Casino Documentary
20. Blog for San Jose VivaFest mariachi conference
21. Write Ronstadt Generations historic narration
22. Nominator, Buffalo Exchange awards, performing artists
23. 45 new musical works composed
24. Extra in film “Goats” w. David Duchovny
- Produce Michael Chihak “Great Chefs of Tucson – Janos” pilot
- Shoot Art Ensemble of Oracle video
Presentation to Patagonia Rotary, Cine Plaza series
- Release Little Dinks “Negligible Chub” CD
- Curate Club Congress 25th anniversary performance art roundup
- Appearance as Blind Lemon Pledge at HoCo Fest 2010
- Little Dinks Reunion at HoCo Fest 2010
- San Jose Mariachi Conference – wrote theatrical scenes on the Adelitas (female soldiers) of the Mexican Revolution
- Taped Flamenco Fest
- Taped Los Nawdy Dogs
- Taped Love LTD
- Produced Dancing in the Streets video
- Special honor at 25th anniversary Tucson Pima Arts Council Lumie awards
- Interview Joey Burns (Calexico), Elva Flores (El Centro Cultural de las Americas) for StoryCorp
- Won Mountain Empire Film Festival “Favorite Film” award for “Cine Plaza”
- 42 new musical works composed

Daniel Buckley at the Tucson International Mariachi Conference Espectacular concert, 2007, Photo by Jennifer Brankin
2. Starting to develop overall plan for the Jonestown project
1. Started multimedia division of the Tucson Citizen newspaper’s online operation, named Multimedia Manager
1. Emcee, Ronstadt Family Musical Tribute, Philharmonia Youth Orchestra
2. Advisory Board, Relache Ensemble
3. Composed “Apollo” musical suite
4. Continued composition work on “Doorways to the Infinite” series (music)
1. Dancing Cactus Project (Using natural and man-made sounds of Arizona to create soundscapes)
2. Grammys in the Schools Panelist
3. Philip Glass pre-show lecture, UApresents
4. Panel Discussion on presenting work to the press. UASchool of Music and Dance
5. Buffalo Exchange Award panelist
6. Pre-show lecture, Kronos Quartet
7. Prevailing Westerlies series continues (music)
Grammys in the Schools Panelist
Final Little Dinks Appearance (Live Sex Show), Temple of Music and Art. (performance art/music)
Phase two of re-tooling: Purchase Macintosh 8100/100 computer, CD recorder, portable Digital Audio Tape Recorder, stereo microphone, pro wind screen. Started making high quality field recordings around the state of Arizona for inclusion in the Dancing Cactus series.
Recording engineer, Aram Gulezian, Armenian oud master.
Piano Studies: (Studies in Parallel Vulgarity [1-13], Hail Mary Variations [1-4]) (music)
Begin equipment trials, preliminary recordings for Dancing Cactus project, utilizing sounds from around Arizona to create musical works.
“Grammys in the Schools” panelist/speaker
Digitally recorded Armenian oud virtuoso H. Aram Gulezian.
Begin third phase of recording with Apache violin maker/musician Chesley Wilson.
April Fools Day fund-raiser show for the Central Arts Collective w. The Little Dinks. (performance art/music)
Composed “Mama’s a Fool” (Jonestown piece), “Bottomless,” “Mesa,” “Atonement,” “Prepared Piano Warp,” “Trombone Quasars,” “New Age Queen,” “Cuticle Cutlery,” “Exotix,” and “Privates of Industry.” (music)
Digitally record trains in Gila Bend. Start the Dancing Cactus series in which natural and manmade sounds from around Arizona are turned into musical compositions.
Lecture Tucson Symphony Women’s Association on composing.
Grammys in the Schools Panelist
Performed Khachaturian “Sabre Dance” w. The Little Dinks, Tucson Symphony Orchestra “Encore!” fund-raiser. (performance art/music)
Composed “Soul Seduction: A Jonestown Scrapbook” for the Kronos Quartet (music for string quartet)
Digital recording engineer: “When the Earth Was Like New”: Western Apache Songs and Stories by Chesley Goseyun Wilson, Ruth Longcor Harnisch Wilson and Bryan Burton, (World Music Press, 1994) (CD/Cassette to accompany book)
Grammys in the Schools Panelist
Digitally recorded National Heritage Award winner Chesley Goseyun Wilson singing Apache traditional songs (sacred and secular), playing Apache violin and Apache flute.
Recorded/mixed two “Best of Tucson” science fiction radio spots for The Tucson Weekly.
Work with Jonestown tapes, continued studies of harmonic excitation of acoustic instruments
Grammys in the Schools Panelist
December: Little Dinks Presidential Victory Party, Dinnerware Artist Collective (performance art/music)
Oct.: Significant re-tooling and wood shedding starts. Purchased Macintosh-based digital audio/MIDI recording/editing system (Studio Vision Pro, Sound Designer, Alchemy, Soundmorph, Turbosynth, Sample Cell II, Studio 5, Ensoniq EPS 16-plus, SCSI version, Overture, Mosaic, Infinity, Waves Q10, Galaxy Plus, Disk to Disk).
June: The Little Dinks’ “Lynch Mob Bait” cassette released. (music)
February: Lecture on performance art before Paul Dresher’s “Slow Fire,” University of Arizona Centennial Hall
“Little Dinks/Big Vision” – Tucson Community Cable Corporation block party, Downtown Saturday Night – Little Dinks announce plans to run for president. (performance art/music)
Best of Gannett Award, Specialty Reporting category for the syndicated Music In America series.
Appearance by The Little Dinks, Festival in the Sun Cavalcade, University of Arizona campus (performance art/music)
Appearance by The Little Dinks, Tucson Mall grand re-opening (performance art/music).
Continued research on digital manipulation of sound, digital loop studies.
1990:Judge for Arizona Mini Concerts’ first-annual Arizona composers’ competition.
Siren Song (Oct. 1990), [For choreographer Gail Chodera, San Francisco, Ca.], (music)
“Vanishing Point” (music)
Begin serious of musical explorations on harmonics, bowing of folk instruments, and harmonic arcing.
“The Carnival Girls” (remake) used by San Francisco choreographer Gail Chodera in “Interiors” (music)
July: purchase first pro-level digital sampling keyboard.
April: Appearance with the Little Dinks / Phoenix Parks, Recreation and Library Dept., Cultural Arts Section – Black Box Theater / Mars Artspace Experimental Films and Performance Art Showcase
March: “Building the Railroad” (instrumental from “WEST]”) for prepared steel guitar, flute and banjo featured in “Sound Images III, a showcase of electronic composers and video-electronic music projects sponsored by the Minnesota Composers Forum and Intermedia ARTS (Minneapolis, Minn.)
Appearance with The Little Dinks, A-Mountain Neighborhood Center (music)
February: “The Marshal” from “WEST]” used by New York Choreographer Austin Hartel, (premiere 10th St. Danceworks, Tucson, Az., later performed around U.S. and South America) (music)
January: “Building the Railroad” from “WEST]” recorded, University of Arizona Recording Studio. )music, experimental work for prepared steel guitar, slide banjo, bowed banjo)
Wrote text for and narrated composer Jay Vosk’s “History of the Saxophone in the Cinema” / Tenth Street Danceworks Contemporary Composers Series
December: Live Recital, Tenth Street Danceworks Tucson Composers Series (w. Craig Zingg and the Long Time Ramblin’ Booty Strugglers) (music)
Numerous performances with the Little Dinks at various Tucson locations (performance art/music).
October: Appearance W. Little Dinks (performance art) at Mars Artspace, Phoenix : “An Evening With the Little Dinks” (90 minute show)
August: Solo concert of instrumental music from “WEST]” and new originals, plus an appearance w. the Little Dinks / Tucson Museum of Art (part of the “12 Good Reasons to Visit TMA” series.
“Evolution West video by Stephen Eisweirth and Daniel Buckley among the featured works in the first annual Video Art Showcase, curated by Chip Lord (Cadillac Ranch creator) in conjunction with the Tucson/Pima Arts Council and the Tucson Museum of Art’s Biennial Exhibition of Arizona Art. Features music by the “WEST]” Ensemble from the Oct. ’87 Central Arts Collective performance of “WEST]”
first performance, the Little Dinks (performance art) (Central Arts Collective)
Oct. Performance art opera “West]” performed, Central Arts Collective
July: Hired as music critic by the Tucson Citizen
Appearance with Windy Hills Improvisational Ensemble, Central Arts Collective Month O’Fun
“The Erotic Nightmare of Miles Standish” (Photographic Assemblage) Central Arts Collective Month O’ Fun
Blind Lemon Pledge ’87 with Captain Imo and the Little Dinks (performance art), Central Arts Collective Month O’ Fun
Juror, Grants committee on Music, Tucson/Pima Arts Council
Daniel Buckley & Co. (Musical improvisation), the Cockpit
Architect’s Advisory Panel., Temple of Music and Art Renovation Project
Appearance with the Out of Sight Orchestra (music), Central Arts Collective
“Ritual of Solitude” (Performance art/music), SMART benefit, Club Congress
Music processing for Rebecca Switzer’s “Garden of Eden,” Central Arts Collective
Sound engineer for “How I Got That Story,” Invisible Theatre
“American Music Sampler” and “Pocket History of American Music” (audio tapes/texts) created for “Young America Through the Eyes of the Folk Artist,” Tucson Museum of Art.
Appearance with Out of Sight Orchestra (music improvisation), Central Arts Collective
“Self Portrait in 16 Affordable Foil-Wrapped Installments” (Photographic Assemblage), Central Arts Collective “Artists Say Howdy!” show.
“The Ritual of Solitude” (performance art/music), 11 East Ashland Gallery, Phoenix, Performance Rodeo
“Transformation,” benefit for ORTS, Club Congress (performance art)
Excerpts from libretto to “WEST]” (reading) and “Jonestown” (music), Dinnerware Artist Collective Fund raiser
Improvisation with Larry Yanez (music), Dinnerware Artist Collective Fund Raiser
“Heart Breaking News” (performance art, work by Imo Baird), Tucson Museum of Art
“Improvisations” with Dennis Williams (music/performance art) TCCC “Performance Projects” show
Sound Designer/Audio Engineer, “Baby With the Bathwater,” Invisible Theatre
“Flashback II” (performance art/music), Club Congress
“Atlantis” collaboration with Paul Fisher (performance art), University of Arizona Museum of Art
“Audio Postcards 5” (performance art/music), University of Arizona Museum of Art
“Blind Lemon Pledge” (performance art/music), Club Congress (opening act for Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers)
“Mummy Rap” (music/performance art), Club Congress
“Atlantis” collaboration with Paul Fisher (performance art), Central Arts Collective
“Heart Breaking News” (performance art, collaboration with Imo Baird), University of Arizona Museum of Art
“Fashionable Scenes” (incidental music for performance by Ann Danforth and Robert Bray), benefit for Tucson AIDS Project, Teatro Carmen
“Batman,” Club Congress
“The Carnival Girls/Cold and Calculating” (performance art/music), benefit for ORTS Dance Company, Club Congress
Awarded Southwest Interdisciplinary Arts Fund Grant for performance art opera “West]” (Daniel Buckley composer/librettist w. set designer Rosemary Geseck, videographer Stephen Eisweirth and costume designer Ann Danforth)
April: “TV Now!” and “Audio Postcards Part 4 (performance art/music), Central Arts Collective
“The Carnival Girls/Cold and Calculating” (music/performance art) University of Arizona Crowder Hall (joint concert of University of Arizona and Pima College composers).
“Experimental Music and New Technology” (guest lecture), University of Arizona 20th Century Music graduate course.
“”The Dating Game” (performance art, benefit for Tucson AIDS Project, Club Congress
“The Retirement of Blind Lemon Pledge” (performance art/music, Central Arts Collective)
Music for “The Triumph of Water in the West” (installation by Scot Wilson), Central Arts Collective
“Reasons For This Reason” and “Flashback 1” (audio, performance art), KXCI FM “Performance Projects” show.
“A Chord/A Cluster/Accord” (performance art/music) w. Craig Zingg, Central Arts Collective
“Kactus Kazoo Kowpokes” (performance), Tucson Rodeo Parade
Music for Marianne Schultz’ “Babel,” Club Congress
“Eine Kleine Pornomusik” and “Eyes On the Cornbelt” (videos/music), Video Art Network
“Periodic Table of the Elements” and “Strategies of the Impostor” (photographic assemblages), Central Arts Collective Group Show
Music for “Life In Hell”, Club Congress (vocals by Matt Groening)
“Merry Christmas, Nora” (music), Club Congress
“Moral Majority Kazoo Band” (performance), Dinnerware Artist Collective
Music for Marianne Schultz’ “Red,” Club Congress
Release of “Midnight Snacks” (audio tape, Twin Palms Music), collaboration with Michael Cajero (music/installation), Central Arts Collective
“The Return of Blind Lemon Pledge, Transcendental Lounge Act” (performance/music), Central Arts Collective
“Audio Postcards Part III” (performance/music, Central Arts Collective)
“Blind Lemon Pledge, Transcendental Lounge Act” (performance), Central Arts Collective, Club Congress (grand opening)
August: “Violation” (audio collage to accompany photographer Judith Golden’s installation on rape), University of Arizona Student Union Gallery
“Liberty 1984” (soundtrack for video by performance artist Imo Baird)
Elected President, Central Arts Collective
Appointed audio director, Video Art Network
May: “It’s Your Money” and “Music for Message Machine, Suite #1” (music/performance), Pima College Composers Concert
“Film Noire Vignette” w. Rosemary Geseck (performance), Territorial Dance Company Fund-raiser, Tucson Community Center Music Hall
Music for Wearable Art Show, Art Network Gallery
“Buzingg” (musical improvisations w. Craig Zingg), Phantom Art Gallery
“Audio Post Cards Part I” (performance/music), Central Arts Collective;
October: Musical Portrait of sculptor Michael Cajero, Central Arts Collective group show
“Sci-Fi Hi-Fi” (audio tape) released, Central Arts Collective Science Fiction show
May: “Tribute to John Giorno” (performance/poetry reading), Congress Street Arts Festival
March: “Voice Chamber Music” (music for installation by Charles Hall), Central Arts Collective
Oct.: Music for performance artist Pasqual Lanaro’s multi-media piece “Daght For Muse,” Splinter Brothers and Sisters Warehouse
June: “Electrocuties” (audio tape) released, Central Arts Collective
January: Named first composer/performance artist member, Central Arts Collective
Music for painter Emily Basham’s “I Too Thought I Could Never Win the Readers Digest Sweepstakes,” Central Arts Collective
“Tape Loop Construction Music” (audio tape) released
January: Music for group show, Central Arts Collective
Named Music Editor, Tucson’s Newsreal